Adult educators have expertise and experience that make them an important voice


By Robert C.

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Adult educators have expertise and experience that make them an important voice in advocating for policy changes at local, state, and national government levels.
Imagine you are a community-based adult educator in your community, providing needed educational services to a vulnerable population. The available resources and support are not sufficient to meet the needs of the population currently, and there are no resources or support to meet future trends.
Select an area of interest from the “Policy Background” sections of Community Resources for Older Adults: Programs and Services in an Era of Change.
Choose an elected local, state, or federal official affiliated with your area of interest to write an advocacy letter.
Locate 2 additional sources of information for the issue identified using the University Library or other web resources.
Research future areas of focus and support for adult lifelong learning related to that area of interest.
Write an 875- to 1,050-word business letter to your selected elected official in which you: 
Describe your selected policy area of interest.
Analyze the importance of the policy area of interest to your community. 
Evaluate 2 future trends or areas of focus related to the policy area of interest.
Justify 3 future policy, legislation, or regulation changes you want the official to support related to the policy area of interest by articulating the importance and benefits of community-based education and services
Request the official’s support for the justified policy, legislation, or regulation changes.
Format your references according to APA guidelines.