Approximately 10 pages, 12pt font, single-spaced, Times New Roman Sensible mar


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Approximately 10 pages, 12pt font, single-spaced, Times New Roman
Sensible margins!
Include page numbers!
The goal of this assignment is for you to write about the pragmatic comications of some topic which invalves the use of natural language in o Your paper should:
• make clear what the topic is and what its pragmatic relevance is
collecting data (e.g. if you asked for native speaker judgments from others)
: Descuite the passat upirational stunese resuls and whether
they fulfill or don’t fulfill your starting hypothesis/hypotheses.
Structure of the paper:
Introduction (just a paragraph or two)
Briefly introduce what the paper is about (what language we’re looking at & topics you will cover wrt. this language);
Body (with sections & subsections): this is the bulk of the paper
Describe the topic in greater detail with relevant examples (avoid making general/sweeping
supporting examples or evidence);
Describe the pragmatic relevance of the topic (again, avoid statements that are broad and vague; be as specific and precise as possible);
Present the starting hypothesis/hypotheses you would like to test (ideally, you would motivate the hypothesis: i.e. why this hypothesis as opposed to some other hypothesis)
Where appropriate – ideally in all cases where you are gathering data/judgments from someone else – carefully describe the methodology of data collection:
How many speakers will you be consulting
What kinds of questions/prompts will you give them
How will you incorporate the role of context in your prompts? E.g. If you’re testing speakers’ intuitions about definiteness, how will you ensure that the speakers
information/background to give the right pragmatic judgments about uniqueness/familiarity/specificity etc?
Any other information you deem relevant for the methodology (topic-specific) – there might be none, and that’s OK;
Present the results of your study in detail. Here especially it is important to corroborate your findings with examples (with contextual cues included);
Did the results fulfill your starting hypothesis/hypotheses?
If so, what pragmatic implications does this have? o If not, why do you think it doesn’t, and how might you need to modify your hypothesis to accommodate these results
Conclusion/reflection (just a paragraph or two)
Summarize the study & findings so far and mention/discuss any open questions remaining or directions for future research