Assignment details: Leadership is the interpersonal skills to motivate, encourag


By Robert C.

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Assignment details: Leadership is the interpersonal skills to motivate, encourage, and empower a team and assist the team in decision-making. After reviewing various models of leadership (e.g., democratic, visionary, coach, transformational, servant, authentic), select one to discuss in this paper. Describe the basic tenets of the leadership model. Next, select a leader (it can remain anonymous) and discuss the ways they modeled or did not model your selected leadership style. How effective where they in facilitating decisions or dialogues? Did employees or colleagues respect them? Did they ascribe to an anti-oppressive stance? Write no more than 5-double spaced pages for this evaluation and case study.
Case study evaluating Kimberley V. Langley, MSN, RN, CEN:
During my time shadowing Kimberly V. Langley, MSN, RN CEN, fondly referred to as “Kim,” at the Atrium Health Cabarrus Emergency Department, I had the privilege of immersing myself in a comprehensive experience. Spending a full day with Kim provided me with invaluable insights into her 23 years of nursing expertise and her current role as the nursing manager. From her humble beginnings as a nurse to her ascent to a leadership position, Kim shared her journey with me, illustrating her progression and the responsibilities that come with leading a dynamic team.
As we navigated through the bustling Emergency Department, Kim graciously explained her duties, which extended beyond nursing to encompass team leadership and operational management. She emphasized the importance of staying abreast of various metrics, including patient satisfaction scores and wait times, to ensure the delivery of quality care. Additionally, Kim highlighted her advocacy efforts on behalf of patients, advocating for their needs and ensuring they receive optimal care.
During the course of the day, I had the opportunity to tour the entirety of the Emergency Department, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various facets that contribute to the patient experience. From triage to treatment rooms, I observed firsthand the intricacies involved in providing efficient and compassionate care to patients in need.
One of the highlights of my experience was participating in a team huddle alongside Kim and her colleagues. Witnessing the collaborative dynamics within the team was illuminating, as each member contributed their expertise and insights to optimize patient care delivery. It was evident that Kim fostered an environment of mutual respect and support, where every team member’s voice was valued.
Moreover, I had the privilege of observing Kim in action during a medical emergency involving a 5-year-old boy with respiratory failure. Despite the high-pressure situation, Kim and her team remained composed and focused, employing their expertise to stabilize the patient. Witnessing Kim’s leadership during this critical moment was truly inspiring, as she provided guidance and support to her team while ensuring the patient received the urgent care he needed.
In summary, my experience shadowing Kim at the Atrium Health Cabarrus Emergency Department was enlightening and enriching. Through her leadership, expertise, and unwavering dedication to patient care, Kim exemplifies the qualities of a compassionate and effective healthcare leader.
Transformational Leadership Model:
Transformational leadership is characterized by four key components:
Idealized Influence: Leading by example and setting high standards of integrity, ethics, and values to earn the trust and respect of followers.
Inspirational Motivation: Inspiring and motivating followers by articulating a compelling vision for the future and challenging them to exceed their own expectations.
Intellectual Stimulation: Encouraging creativity, innovation, and critical thinking among followers by fostering an environment of open communication and idea-sharing.
Individualized Consideration: Showing genuine care and concern for the needs, growth, and development of each individual follower, providing support and mentorship tailored to their unique circumstances.
Kim’s Leadership Style Evaluation:
Idealized Influence: Kim demonstrates idealized influence through her dedication, professionalism, and commitment to patient care. She sets a positive example for her team, earning their trust and respect through her integrity and ethical conduct.
Inspirational Motivation: Kim inspires her team with a compelling vision for excellence in patient care. She effectively communicates clear goals and objectives, motivating her staff to continuously strive for improvement.
Intellectual Stimulation: Kim encourages innovation and critical thinking among her team members. She fosters an environment where new ideas are welcomed, and collaboration is encouraged to enhance the patient experience.
Individualized Consideration: Kim demonstrates genuine care and support for the well-being and professional growth of each team member. She provides personalized mentorship and opportunities for development, empowering her staff to reach their full potential.