Based on your self-assessment using the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (BMMG),


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Based on your self-assessment using the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (BMMG), assess your own preferred behavioral leadership style. What are the strengths and challenges for each style? Are there areas where you would like to make changes or improvements that stem from your results?
Provide anecdotal evidence of behaviors in support of your perspective on behavioral leadership using the BMMG. In addition, provide academic research articles in support of your assessment and critique.
Here are some things I’m going to be looking for in the week 2 paper.
Clearly and explicitly explain the main constructs in your paper.  What is the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid?  What does it measure?  How?  What are the 5 styles it measures?  Provide some insight into the assessment.  Only then can you provide any kind of critique of your own results.
What were your results?  How did you score?  Including your results adds credibility to your paper. Do you think this is an accurate analysis of your own behavioral leadership style?  Explain and critique your results!
Provide examples.  If you state that you are a particular style, provide some anecdotal evidence for this.
Make sure you are addressing ALL PARTS of the assignment.
Do not use the first or second person point of view. You can still write about a personal critique or personal opinion using the third person point of view. Remove yourself from the conversation. For example, rather than say, I scored as an integrative leader on the assessment, you might say, scores on the assessment indicated an integrative leader. I said the exact same thing but took myself out of the picture.
I attached my results to the grid.  My score landed in Integrative leadership.
Here are some articles ( copied and pasted so these formats are definately not APA).  At least 2 refrences are needed.
The managerial grid as a predictor of conflict resolution method and managerial effectiveness. by Bernardin, H. J., & Alvares, K. M.
Administrative Science Quarterly, (1976). Vol. 21(1), 84-92.
Leadership behaviors and subordinate resilience by Harland, L., Harrison, W., Jones, J. R., & Reiter-Palmon, R.
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, (2004). Vol. 11(2), 2-14.
Use this article for article critique.
Leadership in healthcare: Transitioning from clinical professional to healthcare leader. by Perez, J.
Journal of Healthcare Management, (2021). Vol. 66(4), 280-303.
Leadership styles and Deming’s behavior factors by Sosik, J.J. & Dionne, S.D.
Journal of Business and Psychology(1997), Vol. 11(4), pgs. 447-456.
Robert R. Blake, with recognition of Jane S. Mouton by Cai, D. A., Fink, E. L., & Walker, C. B.
Negotiation & Conflict Management Research, (2021), 14(1), 51-59.
Leadership effectiveness measurement and its effect on organization outcomes by Madanchian, M., Hussein, N., Noordin, F., & Taherdoost, H.
Procedia Engineering, (2017), Vol. 181, 1043-1048.
There are a couple parts of the paper I will obviously have to put my personal critique.  This needs to be in APA 7th edition with the correct format of the headings.  attached is a sample paper of the correct format.