Before starting the discussion you must read the Required Supplemental Reading M

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

These instructions reflect a task our writers previously completed for another student. Should you require assistance with the same assignment, please submit your homework details to our writers’ platform. This will ensure you receive an original paper, you can submit as your own. For further guidance, visit our ‘How It Works’ page.

Before starting the discussion you must read the Required Supplemental Reading Material posted in Blackboard Lectures: Go to Blackboard “Lectures” and you will see a post “Weeks 1- 6 Required Supplemental Readings.” Open this post and you will find that there is a link for Week 2.b. You should read (Week 2.b) Then you write an initial “thread” regarding this paper.
The Discussion Board asks you to discuss (talk about) the reading material with your fellow students. You can talk about what you learned from the articles; what you liked; what you did not like; what the authors missed in their article; how the articles relate to your experience and so on. When I read your discussions I want to see evidence that you have actually read the material and that you truly understand what you read and how it applied to the real world business environment.
Start the conversation early so others can participate– posting your contribution at 11PM on Sunday Night is not participating in the conversation.
There should be two threads per person at the forum (your initial and one other thread for your classmate) It is suggested that you distribute your postings throughout the week, at the beginning of the week and then comeback middle of the week and complete your other posting. The next students are expected to read what others have already written and to add to the conversation once there is activity at the forum by posting the initial, and subsequent the one other classmate post.. . Just saying ” I agree with Maria” does not add to the conversation. Opening a new thread is like talking to yourself in an empty room.
You must submit at least one other posting to your classmate in addition to your original “thread”.
Start the conversation early so others can participate– posting your contribution at 11PM on Sunday Night is not participating in the conversation.