Briefly summarize the texts you wish to reference.  Identify connections between

American Court Systems

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Briefly summarize the texts you wish to reference. 
Identify connections between your articles –
What topics do the texts share?
How do they treat that shared topic differently or similarly?
Try to make those connections as though you’re giving a friend the gist of what you’ve read – without delving into irrelevant info.
Create a thesis that unifies the two sources (unifies here does not mean that the articles have to agree – unifies in this case means your thesis covers the overarching theme).
Write the thing! Incorporate your thesis and the summaries. Keep the ideas of your research sources separate from one another while stressing the overarching or shared themes. Restate the thesis another way or point towards your next point/synthesis to wrap everything up.
Intro -> Thesis -> Summary 1 -> Summary 2 -> Conclusion
APA or MLA (your choice) 
12 Point Times New Roman Font 
5 Pages TOTAL (to include cover page references/works cited page)
My research paper topic is “How does racial profiling throughout the world, affect college students?”
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