Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and in


By Robert C.

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Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Please write a essay reflecting on the movie Capitalism:  A Love Story.   Choose a country and write a comparative analysis contrasting the United States and your chosen country.  America has long touted it’s stance in the world as a capitalist society, even though it generates enormous wealth disparities and social inequalities.
The following are a list of questions you should answer in your essay:
Of your chosen country, are they communist, socialist, or capitalistic society?  Why does it work for your chosen country?  Or does it? (You can start by defining these terms)
How do we measure up to other industrialized countries? Or not? 
What are the economic factors that sustains your country?
Explain the philosophical ideas of capitalism.  
What is the role of government in a capitalist society? 
What does capitalism have to do with freedom? 
Is capitalism a just social system?
What is the effect of capitalism, socialism, and/or communism on our environment?
What is your country’s economic crutch?
Any geopolitical conflicts hindering your country?
Your written essay must be typed and a minimum of 750 – 1000 words double spaced, one-inch margins, in 12-point font; separate title page and references must be properly cited (APA Style); well written, clearly addressing the issues and validate your arguments and conclusions. For help with your citations, go to
Pictures/maps will enhance your assignments and contribute to your grade but are not included in the page count. All written assignments are due on or before the dates stated in the Course Outline. Assignments submitted after the due date will NOT be accepted unless you have spoken to me prior to due date.
Assignments must be turned in to the assignment tab in Brightspace. I will not accept emailed assignments. Please note, Al and ChatGPT is in existence and is NOT an acceptable substitution for written assignments. Your TURNITIN score should not exceed 15% for copywritten works and 0% for Al.