Business and Management

COMPETENCIES 3082.1.1 : Emotional Intelligence The graduate applies emotional in


COMPETENCIES 3082.1.1 : Emotional Intelligence The graduate applies emotional intelligence (EI) to improve intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. 3082.1.2 : Cultural Intelligence The graduate demonstrates cultural intelligence (CI) within multicultural and contemporary business situations. INTRODUCTION As a business professional, it is not only essential that you apply the principles of ...

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Knowledge & Skills Assessed:  Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understandi


Knowledge & Skills Assessed:  Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding: Literature searching, Referencing, Subject-specific knowledge. Professional Graduate Skills: independence and personal responsibility, adaptability, written communication, creativity, critical thinking, self-reflection and life-long learning, problem solving, effective time management, working under pressure to meet deadlines.  Emotional Intelligence: ...

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