Choose a language variation from the Wolfram & Ward book American Voices (find t


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Choose a language variation from the Wolfram & Ward book American Voices (find the table of contents here American Voices Table of Contents.pdf)
For example: African American English, 
Read the assignment prompt here Language Variety Project Prompt.pdf
Follow the prompt to write a research-based essay on your selected language variety.
There is no specified word count for this essay; instead, you should make the essay as long as it needs to be to fulfill all of the requirements specified in the prompt (as a guide, you will likely end up with a 4-6 page essay).
Be sure to use consistent formatting for your citations – MLA, APA, or another system that you are familiar with – throughout your essay.   The essay should be double-spaced and written in a plain, black, 12 point font.Submit the essay by the due date/time specified on Canvas.