Consider the following leadership practices that assist in Enabling Others to Ac


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Consider the following leadership practices that assist in Enabling Others to Act. 
“Developing cooperative relationships among the people I work with. 
Actively listening to diverse points of view. 
Treating others with dignity and respect. 
Involving people in the decisions that directly impact their job performance. 
Giving people a great deal of freedom and choice in deciding how to do their work. 
Ensuring people grow in their jobs by learning new skills and developing themselves.” (Kouzes and Posner, 2017) 
After considering these leadership actions, write a reflective essay addressing these questions: 
Have you had a boss that acted in this manner?  If yes, discuss how you responded to him/her. If no, discuss how you think you would have responded 
Please discuss whether or not these leadership actions are part of your leadership shoud they be and why are they not.