Continuing in your role as a student at a local university, imagine you have bee


By Robert C.

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Continuing in your role as a student at a local university, imagine you have been asked by your professor to explain how past and current issues of American education impact teaching and learning to the Future Teachers of America club at a local high school.
Create an 18- to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation on these topics.
Include the following in your presentation:
A summary of the elements of the timeline you created in last week’s handout
8 to 10 of the most important events in the evolution of education over the last 100 years
An explanation of the impact of each event on the educational system
A brief analysis of how these changes have impacted teaching and learning strategies today
The 5 most pressing social issues as they relate to education
How your chosen events did or did not address your selected 5 social issues
An analysis of how these events and social issues have impacted the foundations of education
3 recommendations for how education can continue to build on the foundations of education during the next 25 years