Creating Your Personal and Professional Leadership Philosophy LinkedIn is a prof


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Creating Your Personal and Professional Leadership Philosophy
LinkedIn is a professional social network focusing on career development. You may use LinkedIn to share your resume, job-hunt, and expand your network by posting updates, sharing articles, and interacting with other professionals.
In this assignment, you will compose your personal and professional leadership philosophy statement in the form of a LinkedIn article.
Step 1. Review
Review readings and your own research to prepare for crafting your personal and professional leadership philosophy statement.
Step 2. Brainstorm
Brainstorm for your personal and professional leadership philosophy statement using the following questions to help guide your thinking:
Which leadership styles, philosophies, and frameworks align most with your personal leadership style?
How can your professional leadership philosophy benefit those you serve?
What are your core beliefs impacting your philosophy?
What are the values and mission of your organization?
What is your overall approach to leading teams?
What are your non-negotiables—the things you would be willing to be terminated for if violated?
What are your strategies for personal self-reflection and self-monitoring?
What accountability measures will you implement to ensure you are self-aware and consistent with your stated philosophy?
Step 3. Establish
Establish a free professional social networking account at LinkedIn if you do not already have an account. From your account home screen, select “Write an article.” Directions for creating an article are linked on the Learning Objects page. (WRITE IN WORD AND I CAN TRANSFER IT TO LINKEDIN)
Step 4. Organize
Organize your answers from your brainstorming in Step 2 to outline your personal and professional philosophy article. Include an introduction, organized components from Step 2, and a conclusion. List your APA-formatted references list at the end of your article.
Step 5. Compose
Compose your 1000- to 1500-word personal and professional leadership philosophy. Conform to APA style and cite at least 3-5 scholarly sources to support your position. The references listed at the bottom of the article are not reflected in the word count.
Step 6. Apply
Apply article text features such as headings, subheadings, bulleted lists, and accompanying graphics to make the article visually appealing and easy to digest.
Leadership Philosophy by Mr. Gregg Stevens (