Discussion Topic: Problem Solving Instructions: You will create an initial post


By Robert C.

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Discussion Topic: Problem Solving
Instructions: You will create an initial post as well as two replies for this week’s topic.
To make your posts, select START A NEW THREAD below:
State your name and Problem Numbers in the title (Title: Jane Doe, Problems 1.71 and 2.51).
In addition to your initial posts to the topics in this Week 2 Discussion you are required to also reply to at least two classmates’ original posts, and each reply must include direct questions. Your replies can add additional insight to your classmates’ opinions, suggest other alternative approaches, or anything similar. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to everyone who comments on your post.
For this topic, you will select two problems from the OpenStax Chemistry text (in the link there is a book), one problem from each of the following two problem sets:
For Problem 1: You MUST select a Chapter 1 problem from the end of the chapter “Exercises” from problem number 64-99.
For Problem 2: You MUST select a Chapter 2 problem from the end of the chapter “Exercises” from problem number 26-61.
These problems and their discussions will be included together in one post. You need to:
show your work with the solution (use an embedded image or the Σ Graphical Equation button on the Text Editor)
explain in text form how you approached and worked through the problem
For this topic, you will select two problems from the OpenStax Chemistry text (in the link there is a book), one problem from each of the following two problem sets: