Discussions: Each module will consist of a discussion board. Discussion topics w

Antomy and physiolghy

By Robert C.

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Discussions: Each module will consist of a discussion board. Discussion topics will be posted by the instructor, student will pick topics in class. Students are required to make minimum two posts in each module: One response to the topics posted by the instructor, and one peer response.
Requirements for each post:
1) Each post must be minimum 200 words (this includes peer response)
2) Students must respond using scientific facts/evidence
3) Students must use reliable sources/website to retrieve information
4) Students must provide citation or a weblink for information used on the post
Paragraph I: Select a disease or disorder of the urinary system or reproductive system and describe in detail. What are the signs and symptoms? A few examples include Kidney Infection, Kidney Stones, Bladder Infection (UTI), Prostate Enlargement, Interstitial Cystitis, Bladder Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Kidney Failure, Horseshoe Kidney, Glomerular Disease, and etc. (no more than 5 STI may be chosen and posted)
Paragraph II: Describe the causes of the disease or disorder. 
Paragraph III: What are complications involved with this disorder? Describe diagnosis and treatment.
classmate to respond to:
Riya Shahi
Biol 2402-72311
Syphilis: Signs and Symptoms
Syphilis is a bacterial infection primarily spread through sexual contact. The signs and symptoms vary depending on the stage of the infection:
• Primary Stage: Marked by the presence of a painless ulcer called a chancre, which develops at the location of infection, usually on the genitals, rectum, or mouth. Enlarged lymph nodes near the groin may also be present.
• Secondary Stage: Symptoms during this stage include erythematous skin rashes, typically reddish-brown in color, ulcers in the oral cavity, vagina, or anus, elevated body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, loss of body mass, alopecia, cephalalgia, myalgia, and profound exhaustion.
• Latent stage: During the latent stage, no symptoms are observed, yet the infection persists within the body.
• Tertiary stage: The tertiary stage of the disease can result in significant medical complications, such as damage to several organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints.
Etiology of Syphilis
The bacterium Treponema pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis.
• Infection can be transmitted by direct contact with a syphilis sore during sexual intercourse.
• Vertical transmission occurs when an infected woman passes the infection to her unborn child either during pregnancy or childbirth.
• Occasionally, transmission can occur through kissing if there are visible sores present.
Complications and treatment
Untreated syphilis can lead to severe health implications, such as neurological issues like stroke or meningitis.
• Cardiovascular complications, such as heart valve damage.
• Visual impairments or complete loss of vision.
• Neurocognitive disorders, such as dementia, can affect mental health.
Diagnosis usually involves carrying out blood tests, examining sores, and even performing a spinal tap if there are suspicions of neurological involvement.
Antibiotics like penicillin are typically used as a kind of treatment. Treating sexual partners at the same time is crucial to preventing reinfection.