Fill in the Grid using the textbook as source. Define the theories, provide exam

Child Development

By Robert C.

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Fill in the Grid using the textbook as source. Define the theories, provide example and use quotes to link concept to text. Have attached files below incluces the textbook and grid paper. You can find infomation between pages 178-250. 
Physical Development 
*Motor development (fine motor skills)
*Brain development (maturation of the prefrontal cortex) 
Cognitive Development
*Piagets Theory (egocentrism)
*Vygotskys Theory (scaffolding)
Language Development 
*Vygotskys Theory (private speech) 
*Vocabulary/Grammer (choose to talk about age specific language milestones from the chart in the text) 
Social Emotional Development 
*Views of self: Erikson’s Initiative v. Guilt or Self concept or self-control 
*Gender awareness: Either gender identity or gender roles 
*Parten’s Stage (solitary) 
*Piagets Stage of Play (Functional)