Final Exam Short Answer Content INSTRUCTIONS:  Download the attached Final Exam


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Final Exam Short Answer Content
Download the attached Final Exam assignment sheet; starting on page 2, there are 5 short-answer prompts. 
Select FOUR of the following five prompts & answer each prompt in at least one complete paragraph (roughly 200-250 words) that thoroughly answers the prompt. 
Please be sure to provide examples from the texts as requested to back up your claim. When finished, save your document & upload it to the drop box by the due date.
Name, date, class & FINAL EXAM on the first page in the upper left corner
Last name and pg# in upper right header of all subsequent pages
Double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font
Length – each response should be a full paragraph (roughly 200-250 words).
Academic & professional tone
Original work – no plagiarism; these answers should be your own. Any sources used should be properly cited.
Proper spelling and grammar to the best of your ability
Use of specific examples & detail as asked for in the prompts.
Read the questions & instructions thoroughly to ensure you know what you’re being asked to do.
Read all the available prompts before making your selections.
Take5-10 minutes to read the prompts, think about your answers, & make some notes/outlines, etc. before you start writing
Take5-10 minutes after you finish writing to proofread your work & check your spelling/grammar, make sure you fulfilled the requirements, etc.
Be specific and detailed as the prompts ask for.
You will be graded on how thoroughly you address the prompt, usage of examples, and the depth of your answer.
Each answer is worth 25pts
Fail: not taking test
Fail: test is unreadable b/c of grammar & spelling problems or illegible handwriting
Fail: student did not address the given prompts or follow instructions