Final Paper Directions: Select one of the following Themes. Write a well-organiz

Research methods

By Robert C.

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Final Paper
Directions: Select one of the following Themes. Write a well-organized position paper with an introduction, several paragraphs explaining your position, and a conclusion. For a lesson on how to get started, be sure to check out the Write Paths module in the CID Studio.
Theme: Human Rights
Throughout history, there have been many examples where groups of people have been denied their human rights. Individuals, groups, and governments have attempted to end many of these human rights violations, although they have not always been successful.
Select two different examples from history where human rights have been denied to groups of people, and for each.
Answers to the essay questions.
Explain the historical circumstances that led to the denial of human rights.
Describe how the human rights of that group were denied
Discuss an action taken by an individual, a group, or a government that attempted to end the human rights violations