Find one of each of these: book video professional society (e.g. BMES, American

Research methods

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Find one of each of these:
professional society (e.g. BMES, American Historical Association)
website from a university department
general knowledge website (e.g. US News and World Report)
that describe your field.  You need one of each, and they should give descriptions about your field that you find satisfying and are able to understand. If you do not understand what you are reading, choose different sources.
Read ALL of these 5 items to augment your understanding of what your field is about, and what the common subfields are within it. Then put the sources away, think about what your major is about, based on the 5 sources that you have read.  Work on your assignment without looking at the sources while you are writing. There should be no quoted or plagiarized text in any part of your submission. If in doubt, review the plagiarism information from the Course Basics module before completing this assignment.
IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a <300 word description analysis of your understanding (exceeding 300 will result in deductions), that includes: Having read these 5 items-- what did you learn about your major that is new or different from what your impression of it was before (describe at least 2 differences)? Did the readings (and video) information at all change your interest in your major and why? Think about what you have learned about the different subfield in your major. Which subfield do you feel most aligned with and why do you find it the most interesting? How might you envision yourself working in this subfield in the future (i.e. after graduation/in the "real" world)? Not included in the 300 word limit: Bibliography containing FULL citation details for the 5 sources that you used, e.g. name of source and URL, full reference e.g. title/authors/journal information, etc.  Indicate specifically which sources were magazine article, video, etc.  The book and any journal article citations should be in standard APA or MLA format . Videos and URL should be in format such as shown here: to an external site.Links to an external site. You do not need to include in text citations in your description. Submit as .doc or .docx file or .pdf.  Format as 2 separate sections, one for each numbered item above and remember to answer all questions in each. Make it clear what question you are answering. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR PLAGIARISM!  If ANY evidence of plagiarism is found, even half a sentence, you will receive a zero on the assignment and I am obligated to report to SJA. If you are not sure what counts as plagiarism, review the video from the Course Basics module and the readings on plagiarism. If any part of your work partly copies a published work, including the internet, that is plagiarism.  Do not use inappropriate quoting to substitute for putting things in your own words. Big Tip for avoiding plagiarism: Read the source material, put it away, and write from your understanding of the material in your own words. Also try running your writing through a plagiarism checker yourself before submitting it. Rubric: Thoughtful answer that includes specific details about what was new. Clearly described why or why not the new information gained changed idea or interest in major. Clearly states why they feel aligned with that subfield and how they envision working in this subfield in the future List of 5 sources. Clear what types of sources they are. References are in correct format. < or = 300 words