Firstly, you’ll need to think about a topic for the argument (it is an argument/


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Firstly, you’ll need to think about a topic for the argument (it is an argument/persuasive paper). We have covered three models of argument (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos). You must think carefully about those arguments and what will work best for the argument you choose. Then, compose an essay persuading the audience/reader of the aesthetic value/taste of something. This is, in other words, a rhetorical exercise in which you will argue that not only is your taste/opinion correct but also that your audience should share your taste/opinion, which is, in essence, a subjective claim. The item you choose to argue can be anything that is assessed in terms of aesthetic value or taste—for example, an item of fashion, a painting, a musical artist, a visual artist, a literary artist, a type of food, a recipe, a type of music, a place to visit, a place to eat, a form of entertainment, a hobby, a book’s setting or theme or characters, a film’s cinematography or score. The list goes on and on… The proofs of your argument can be either severe or lighthearted, or they could be both, and they should include the appeals. Please remember that the topics listed above are the only types you are to choose for this essay. So, if you select music, narrow it to a genre or narrow it further to an artist. If you choose food, narrow it down to a type or narrow it further to a dish. Do not write a paper about hot-button issues or other things like ethics, religion, sports, etc. (No controversial topics, please!). Do not Google ‘topics for an argument paper’ as things like this will not fit the specifics of this essay. Also, please note that this is not a comparison/contrast piece, i.e., cats vs. dogs, Five Guys vs. McDonald’s, and so on. Remember that you should be persuasive. Therefore, logic and evidence will be of great importance here. Be extra careful to avoid the fallacies in your reasoning. You may support your argument with any evidence you see fit, but make sure it supports it as effectively as possible. In addition, please explore style and tone with some rhetorical devices. And, as any good rhetorician must do, you should have a specific purpose and audience in mind, aiming your tone and proofs toward that audience.