For the report describe a disease and how the disease affects specific tissues a


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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For the report describe a disease and how the disease affects specific tissues and organs of the body.  The goal is to describe the physiological processes affected by the disease. You can choose a disease that affects any tissue or organ including blood vessels. 
For the report you should include:
The normal physiological function of the tissue/organs addressed in the report.
Background on the disease affecting that organ—how the disease arises and how it affects physiology.
Discuss stages and severity of the disease/condition/syndrome
Discuss if and how this disease affects cell communication (Cell signalling), endocrine physiology/homeostasis, cellular physiology of affected cells, muscle physiology, cardiovascular physiology, renal physiology,  
Treatment of the disease based on  physiological processes affected .
you may imbed pictures, graphs, videos links
You should include at least 5 references.  At least two references should be primary source (research articles).  One article should be a recent review article on the disease. Use MLA format for references. 
Minimun of 5 pages (not including references, photos, graphs), double spaced