For this assignment, you will be using annotate an article to identify primary a

American history

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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For this assignment, you will be using annotate an article to identify primary arguments of the author. Follow the instructions to complete the assignment: 
Download Marbury v. Madison- The Case of the “Missing” Commissions [DOCX] by John A. Garraty. 
Within the article, you are to annotate the following points of the article:  
Thesis statement. 
Points used in support of the thesis.
Evidence presented in support of the points identified in part “b.” 
Implications for a larger study.
Make sure to read throughout the entire article. Sometimes the thesis is not made until the end! 
You will make annotations by selecting text and then selecting the Highlight button in Microsoft Word.  
Clearly indicate in the annotation which annotation is the thesis statement, main point, evidence, or implication. 
You may use different colors for each point or use the Comment function in Microsoft Word to explain your choice in the margin. 
(highlight parts of text and on the side margin add a comment to label what it is either thesis, support, evidence, or implications for larger study)