For this discussion the class will be divided into groups of four to five stude

Human Resource Management homework help

By Robert C.

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For this discussion the class will be divided into groups of four to five students. As you work together to identify and develop three potential concessions, you should keep in mind the following critical elements:

Sharon Slade’s and Alice Jones’ ZOPA and BATNA positions developed in Milestone One and the individual Module Four discussion.

Areas where Netflix has flexibility: These areas may include: modifying the performance improvement plan, shifting Alice to another position, outplacement benefits, employee health benefits, and so on. Other concessions, such as payment for accrued vacation time, may or may not be negotiable because the company has a formal severance policy.

Legal vulnerability: You should also consider the degree of legal vulnerability the company has in this situation. For example, what is the probability that Alice Jones could sue for age discrimination?