For this milestone, you will evaluate the sources identified in Milestone 1, jus

Research methods

By Robert C.

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For this milestone, you will evaluate the sources identified in Milestone 1, justify your selection of finall sources, and organize your literature review. Follow these steps to complete this milestone:
sources are attached
Source Evaluation: Evaluate the relevance, credibility, and quality of the 20 sources identified in Milestone 1. Consider factors such as author credentials, publication venue, peer-review status, methodology, and relevance to your objectives.
Justification of Final Sources: Based on your evaluation, select a final list of 15-25 sources that will be included in your literature review. Justify your selection by explaining why these sources are essential to addressing your research objectives.
Review Organization: Organize the selected sources into thematic categories or in chronological order, depending on the purpose of your literature review. Create an outline that guides the organization of your review and highlights key concepts, theories, and findings within each category.
Presentation: Present your source evaluation, justification of final sources, and review organization in a structured document. Include explanations and rationale for your decisions to demonstrate critical thinking and analysis.