Here are some examples of how you can make the third activity socially responsib


By Robert C.

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Here are some examples of how you can make the third activity socially responsible for each course:
GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING: You can explore the Saudi initiatives towards social responsibility, such as CSR, ESG, local content, etc.
This is just a suggestions; you could do your presentation in whatever way you think is socially responsible.
> structure of the presentation
– first page for names and class number
– ⁠introduction and ( definition ) about the topic
– ⁠link the topic with social responsibility
– ⁠ example
– ⁠conclusion
– ⁠ reference

– Attached ( chapters of the course to select topic from it )
– i need 8-9 pages ( names page not included and reference page also )
– i need word file to help the group to explain each slide