Here is the information related to the research project you are to conduct.  The


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Here is the information related to the research project you are to conduct. 
There is a project that GASB has started to undertake in reexamining GASB Statement #56.  
In the text, GASB has posed some major research issues related to Going Concern.   In light of the current economic climate – this issue may become more of an issue than it did in the past! 
Based on the research you have conducted, present your research in a 3 to 5-page paper.  Supported by research, what changes would you advocate GASB make to GASB Statement 56Links to an external site.?  
There is a rubric assigned to this paper that you can use as a guide.  I ask that you properly cite your work, although this assignment will not be strict on a particular format (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc) – just make it so a reasonable person would be able to understand what ideas are pulled out of research you uncovered.