Here you will combine your Global Media Figure Critique and your Critical Review

Communications and Media

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Here you will combine your Global Media Figure Critique and your Critical Review of a Global Media Platform into one final, connected, fluid, fully referenced, page-numbered piece, with in-depth Introduction and Conclusion chapters. 
I need an Introduction that summarizes the overall Papers please combine the two together and add the Intro and conclusion. The conclusion will 
concludes your overall paper. Discuss both of your chapter, main themes, the impact of the course, impactful theorists/authors etc. 
Reference List – APA style list of references for both chapters. 
Please follow:
(1) Include a professionally laid out TITLE PAGE with your Creative Title and Subtitle and other pertinent information.
(3) YOU MUST include a minimum of 3 -5 pics/images, interspersed ANYWHERE throughout your paper, that help to animate your content. Lay these anywhere in your text you see fit—CREATIVELY and NEATLY. Be sure to include a one-line caption bordering each pic, that explains the images you use. Pics or images can be abstract, directly representational or can speak to the content of your work in ANY way that you like. (Pretend that you are your own publisher and be sure these images work fluidly with your content).
(4) Compose a separate INTRODUCTION CHAPTER  that briefly explores and comments on the content of both chapters (Assignment #1 & #2) of your final paper. (1-2 page, 500-1000 words)  
(5) Present a separate CONCLUSION CHAPTER that captures and comments on the content of both preceding chapters and on the most useful items in your paper’s bibliography (these would include selections from course content (1-2 page, 500-1000 words). Close your conclusion with a commentary on your experience with the most useful article selections, video and theory from course content as well your experience with workshopping your final piece with your in-class colleagues.
** Attached is the compiled paper that is finished but I need an intro and conclusion summarize both assignments/chapters. Also including some pictures please
To put it in simpler wording 
Title page
Intro 1-1.5 pages – introduces overall paper. Mentions each of the chapters that will come at what motivated you to explore these topics in the way you do. 
Chapter 1 – your first paper
Chapter 2 – your second paper
Conclusion 1-1.5 pages – concludes your overall paper. Discuss both of your chapter, main themes, the impact of the course, impactful theorists/authors etc. 
Reference List – APA style list of references for both chapters.