Historical events are often the subject of media like movies, television, or boo


By Robert C.

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Historical events are often the subject of media like movies, television, or books. For many of us, what we know about history we learned from these media types. But what do we really know? What do these media forms tell us about what happened in the past and to whom? For this discussion, you will choose an example of a media type, such as a movie, TV show, book, or graphic novel about a historical event or a historical person, and then address the following discussion prompts. 
For your initial post, address the following:
identify at least two specific examples of how the time period for the historical event is represented in the media type you chose (movie, TV show, book, graphic novel, etc.). 
Whose perspective of the historical event is portrayed?  
Describe how this perspective shapes the story of the historical event.