I have a bascially completed case study. This case study write up was based off


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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I have a bascially completed case study. This case study write up was based off 6 
administered tests to a 10th grade student who underperforms academically (8th grade 
level) Your job is to view the sample completed case study. The semi completed one I will provide and edit the semi completed to fully completed. 
You will also be taking the 6th tests which will be provided. 
Answering them as if you were this 10th grade student, correcting them as the 
administrator and making sure the information on the case study write up, meets the 
results/information on the case study. 
6 Tests Total
Structural Anaylsis, 
Words their Way, 
Botel Word Oppositing Test 
for thr writing sample, create a fake writing sample as a 10th grade student titled and
about “My best football memory” 
Basically, 90% of the information is on the case study, You need to fill out the test to match the results the semi completed write up states and proof read, edit and change anything the case study needs changed.