I have a timed assessment in which I have to answer this question: Describe the


By Robert C.

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I have a timed assessment in which I have to answer this question:
Describe the effects of social exclusion, and discuss the evidence for the claim that physical pain and social pain share underlying mechanisms.
I am writing the paper but I would really like to get feedback on the information I used (the studies and content) to ensure all the information accurately answers the question. As you can see it is a two part question.
The marking criteria:
– Very good knowledge and understanding of the subject, as well as recognition of alternative viewpoints.
– Uses argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence
– engages with material critically and demonstrates independent thought
– good quality organisation and style of presentation and fluent writing style
1. Answer the question rather than ‘dumping’ lecture content. 2. Ensure you adopt a coherent narrative that focuses upon specific conclusions, where the conclusions provide the best answer to the question that you can. 3. Make sure your answer makes use of theory and evidence to support your claims. 4. In framing your narrative, remember that higher marks will be awarded for a more critical approach than to a passive descriiptive approach. 5. We expect a proper narrative in the answers.