Instructions For the final exam, I would like you to complete the operating budg


By Robert C.

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For the final exam, I would like you to complete the operating budget for Brandon clinic given the information provided. Please identify and label your answers very clearly. Show all of your math/calculations. A final submitted without calculations will receive a zero grade.
Brandon clinic projected the following operating budget information for 2025:
Total FFS Visit volume               90,000 visits
Payor mix:
Blue Cross                          40%
Medicare                             60%
Reimbursement rates:
Blue Cross                            $25 per visit
Medicare                             $20 per visit
Variable costs
Resource inputs;
Labor                                    48,000 total hours
Supplies                                100,000 total units
Resource inputs prices:
Labor                                    $25 per hour
Supplies                                $1.50 per unit
Fixed costs                                     $500,000
Construct Brandon clinic’s operating budget for 2025. Use the following format for this assignment and show all of your math to receive credit. Assignments submitted without the math will receive a zero.
I. Volume:
A. Blue Cross FFS                  __________ visits
B. Medicare FFS                    __________ visits 
C. Total budgeted visits         __________ visits   
II. Revenues:
A. Blue Cross FFS                  __________ Dollars
B. Medicare FFS                    __________ Dollars 
C. Total budgeted revenues  __________ Dollars 
III. Costs / Expenses:
A. Variable costs:
Labor                                 __________Dollars
Supplies                             __________Dollars
Total Variable Costs      __________Dollars
Variable Costs per visit     __________Dollars
B. Fixed Costs:
Overhead, plant & Equip.  ________Dollars
C. Total Budgeted Costs         __________Dollars 
IV. Profit & Loss Statement:
FFS                           __________Dollars
Total                   __________Dollars
FFS                   __________Dollars
Total           __________Dollars
Contribution Margin         __________Dollars
Fixed Costs                       __________Dollars
Budgeted Profit                __________Dollars