Maggie Studer 6/21/24, 11:25 PM An ecosystem that interests me is the arctic. Ob

Environmental Science

By Robert C.

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Maggie Studer
6/21/24, 11:25 PM
An ecosystem that interests me is the arctic. Obviously being in the arctic, it is extremely cold and food is scarce. There are animals in the arctic such as caribou, arctic cod, orcas, polar bears, arctic fox, and more.
Lemming for instance, are a rodent that lives in the arctic. Their main food source are lichen and arctic willow. If you take one out of those two foods out, half of the population would be wiped out. A Snowy Owls main meal would be a lemming so they would have to resort to eating more mice, ducks and hares but their population would still decrease. An arctic fox also eats both of these animals leaving their population to also decrease.
The best way to solve this issue would be to replace the lemmings main food sources. They do eat other things that are not as widely available, so planting more and making more foods more accessible would increase the population of not only the lemmings but also the snowy owls and the arctic fox since both of these animals rely on the lemming for a quick meal.