my idea is to start a nail box business so you don’t need to make a new one.  Pl

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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my idea is to start a nail box business so you don’t need to make a new one. 
Please review this chapter before completing this project and use the format online. In other words, make sure to include each of the key elements listed in your textbook (I recommend making these the titles of your slides in the slide deck):
this is the comment of my Prof for my business plan (This is lacking in crucial detail on the financial side, including pricing, revenue, and expenses, structure (no actual numbers attached). These are very basic descriptions with no numbers attached, so it’s hard to get a good picture of operations. -10 pts. 90/100.)
if you can add more specific numbers to make it more realistic, so it could be helpful