Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop a well-reasoned opinio

American history

By Robert C.

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Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop a well-reasoned opinion on the effectiveness and desirability of two prominent socio-economic proposals: Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Bernie Sanders’ Federal Jobs Guarantee (FJG) policy. Through this assignment, students will engage critically with the underlying principles, practical implications, and ideological implications of these proposals, ultimately articulating and defending their own perspective on which approach holds greater promise for addressing contemporary challenges of economic inequality and social welfare.
1.  Background Exploration: Conduct research on Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Bernie Sanders’ Federal Jobs Guarantee (FJG) policy, exploring their historical origins, theoretical foundations, and real-world applications. Seek out different sources (academic literature, opinion pieces, etc. to develop a comprehensive understanding of the debates surrounding these proposals.
2.  Position Development:
Reflect critically on the principles and values that underpin UBI and FJG, considering their implications for economic justice, social equity, and individual autonomy.
Evaluate the practical implications of UBI and FJG in terms of their potential to alleviate poverty, stimulate economic growth, and foster social cohesion.
Consider the ideological dimensions of UBI and FJG, examining how they resonate with your own beliefs, priorities, and visions for a just and prosperous society.
3.  Opinion Essay Composition:
Write a 1000-word opinion essay in which you articulate and defend your stance on the relative merits of UBI and FJG.
Present a clear and coherent argument that outlines your position on which proposal offers a more effective and desirable solution to the challenges of economic inequality and social welfare.
Support your argument with evidence, examples, and logical reasoning, drawing upon insights from your research and personal reflections.
Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments or criticisms of your position, demonstrating intellectual honesty and a willingness to engage with alternative perspectives.
4.  Submission Guidelines:
Please use APA or MLA style for citation of sources
Submit your completed assignment online via Canvas.
Evaluation Criteria:
Clarity of Position: Does the essay clearly articulate a well-defined opinion on the relative merits of UBI and FJG, supported by coherent arguments and evidence?
Argumentative Rigor: To what extent does the essay provide logical reasoning, evidence-based analysis, and persuasive rhetoric to support its position on UBI and FJG?
Engagement with Opposing Views: Does the essay demonstrate a nuanced understanding of alternative perspectives on UBI and FJG, engaging critically with counterarguments and potential criticisms?
Personal Reflection: Does the essay offer thoughtful reflections on the ideological dimensions of UBI and FJG, considering how they align with the student’s own values, beliefs, and priorities?
Writing Quality: Is the essay well-written, with clear organization, concise expression, and adherence to academic conventions in style and citation?
This assignment offers you the opportunity to take a stand on two divergent socio-economic proposals—Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Bernie Sanders’ Federal Jobs Guarantee (FJG)—and to defend your position with reasoned argumentation and critical analysis. As you formulate your opinion, draw upon the knowledge and insights gained from your research, but also consider how your personal values, beliefs, and aspirations shape your perspective on these pressing issues. Your essay should not only demonstrate intellectual rigor and persuasive writing skills but also reflect your engagement with the complexities of socio-economic policy-making and your commitment to envisioning a more just and equitable future.