Philosophy of Leadership. Your leadership philosophy will capture most of your l


By Robert C.

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Philosophy of Leadership. Your leadership philosophy will
capture most of your lessons from this course. It will answer the question,
“What do you believe to be true about leadership?” How did the readings,
team meetings, discussions, and assignments influence your understanding
of leadership? How will you use your learning to shape your future as a
leader or contributor to leadership? Use example stories. Must cite at least
3 class readings
Three pages. 
The members of the team’s meetings are Brandon, Jessica, Adam, and Antwoin
We met every Friday as a group working towards coming up with a solution on this topic: Decrease tardies and increase attendance of children attending John Gandy/Henry
Clay/Ashland Elementary. 
I uploaded the three readings from class that should be used in the journal. 
The main thing that I learned was that leadership is a group concept. There is more than one person who is the leader; Everyone in the group can lead. 
I also uploaded my peer review results to see how I contributed to the group.