Provide a hypothesis of a problem to be solved and describe the importance of th


By Robert C.

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Provide a hypothesis of a problem to be solved and describe the importance of the need for this applied project (References. Citations. APA Format).
The selected practice-oriented field-specialty area is Behavioral Psychology. Choose and research a problem within this field.
Find 8 peer-reviewed articles relevant to the selected field. Include them as references in the submission.
Write a 1,000 word introduction.
Include the following:
Create a problem statement based on the research. What issue or gap do you view as needing to be addressed?
Describe the problem.
Explain the rationale of the problem statement and the importance of and need for the project.
Describe the audience.
Provide a description of the audience or organization, institution, or policy that the problem statement is designed to help and the aim or solution you seek to achieve.