Provide a summary of the issue and any necessary background/information. Who ar


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Provide a summary of the issue and any necessary background/information.
Who are the stakeholders and what are their interests in the issue? (You can answer this in a separate paragraph or embed it in your analyses below.)
How would a disability ethicist analyze this issue? Apply one or more of the ethical frameworks we have discussed in class – medical versus social model, bioethical principles, disability principles, SNFO, etc.).
How might others counter the disability ethics analysis? What points would they use? (Note that while you could use the same frameworks for the point/counterpoint, you can also use different ones! For example, a disability ethicist might use disability principlism but another bioethicist might use the traditional principles.)
What is a possible rebuttal to the counter argument? How can you argue that the disability ethics perspective is stronger? What makes their approach the most ethical?
Conclude with a discussion of the significance of disability ethics in an increasingly complex and diverse culture and society.