Questions for Final Assignment of  6263 Destination Marketing This self-reflecti


By Robert C.

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Questions for Final Assignment of  6263 Destination Marketing
This self-reflective topical assignment effectively addresses course learning outcomes in the syllabus for TSTD 6263.
This means that students are required to reflect on how the topic of the question, its context, and the answer to the question have impacted their learning experience and future learning approach. To that end, students are requested to engage their answer to the question with their own understanding and appreciation of the topic so it effectively integrates critical analysis and reflection under the guidance of literature in the social sciences, particularly articles published in the top international tourism and hospitality journals. 
Reflection is about careful thought. This examination question is about just that: reflection, a way of debriefing your experience with this course, and in view of the topical question, your experience with one aspect of the course. The kind of reflection that is valuable to leaders and managers involves: 
the conscious consideration of beliefs and actions; and 
the analysis of those beliefs and actions for the purpose of learning, here in the specific area related to the question on Destination Marketing
In other words, your reflection is about engaging your thought process about a particular​       topic, its theoretical underpinnings, and everything associated with it, with your learning experience as related to the course learning outcomes you are expected to achieve in this course. 
What you need to do when answering the question:
Untangle and sort through your own observations and experiences with the course  topic (before, during, and after you went through the content of that topic) 
Consider multiple interpretations (this is a thinking process that requires the application of critical thinking, analysis, and metacognitive skills) 
Put yourself in a ​mindset of curiosity​ where you are eager for valuable insights 
​Create meaning​ specific to the topic content and that will become ​your learning
Final Assignment Questions:
Please critically examine “VISITCANBERRA DESTINATION MARKETING STRATEGY 2015-2020”. Based upon your analysis, you should answer the following questions:
What are the weaknesses of the destination marketing strategy? If you were a member of the destination marketing strategy team, how would you have overcome those weaknesses that you have identified? The identified weaknesses should be explained under several sub-headings in brief.
What are the strengths of the destination marketing strategy? The recognized strengths of the destination marketing strategy should be explained with logical reasoning under several sub-headings in a nutshell.
You can access the “VISITCANBERRA DESTINATION MARKETING STRATEGY 2015-2020” through the following link:
VISIT-CANBERRA-Marketing_Strategy_20 Pages_2015-2020.pdf  
You should use double-space. Word limits on this assignment are 1100 words.
You are strongly recommended to create your own style and approach to answer the questions given in the context of your final assignment. However, if you prefer, you may follow the following template given below.
Table of Content
Weaknesses of the destination marketing strategy
Recommendations for overcoming the identified weaknesses
Recommendations for A as weaknesses of the destination marketing strategy
Recommendations for B as weaknesses of the destination marketing strategy
Recommendations for C as weaknesses of the destination marketing strategy
Strengths of the destination marketing strategy
Good Luck
Cevat Tosun, PhD
Director, MSTHEM & MTA Program
Eisenhower Chair and Professor of Tourism Studies and Management