Read Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc. to page 69 only(the majority opinion)   htt

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Read Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc. to page 69 only(the majority opinion)
Brief Zarda.  For the Rationale/Reasoning section, answer the following questions.  Address each question individually:  
1.   How does the Fifth Circuit characterize Title VII’s purpose?
2.  How does the Court interpret “Because of sex”?
3.  What is the “But for” an employee’s sex test?
4.  Summarize the Court’s discussion of “Gender Stereotyping.”
5.  What is Associational Discrimination, according to the Court?
6.  What does the Court say about legislative developments after Title VII?
Finally, included a brief summary of the rationale for the court’s decision, based on the answers you have provided to 1-6.
Your grade will be based on the thoroughness of your answers.  Be sure to cite to specific statements made by the Court and note how the Court relies on precedents to support its decision.
Use YOUR OWN words.  Do not just cut and paste from the Court’s opinion.  Show me that you understood the case.
Do NOT use outside resources (Wikipedia, case brief sites, etc.)