Research paper (7-10 pages, 5-7 sources, at least 1 should be a text we cover in

Creative writing

By Robert C.

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Research paper (7-10 pages, 5-7 sources, at least 1 should be a text we cover in class) Outline + thesis statement – please provide an outline of your research paper, including a clearly defined working thesis. Provide a topic sentence/bulletpoint list of what you will argue in each paragraph (there should be 5-6).
original, and interesting thesis on the basis of textual and contextual evidence. You will correctly cite and meaningfully (i.e. in a way that moves your paper along) discuss your sources in a way that supports your argument.
THESIS STATEMENT: Option 1 “Social media platforms wield significant influence on gender perceptions and behaviors, shaping cultural norms, self-identity construction, and societal expectations, thereby perpetuating both traditional and evolving gender roles.”
Option 2 “Even while social media can be entertaining and educational, teens should set time limitations for their usage of it because it doesn’t always present an intellectual challenge, hinders social connection, contributes to anxiety and melancholy, and evokes negative feelings rather than positive ones.”
Also use the book Calvin Kasulke “Several People are Typing”