Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Research Transparency Intern


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Research Transparency International (TI), publishes the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) and annually ranks countries “by their perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.” The CPI generally defines corruption as “the misuse of public power for private benefit.”
Discuss your outlook on the CPI. Do you agree with TI’s assessment of the United States, India, Somalia and a country of your choice? Why or why not?
The director of IT has indicated that the board of directors is compiling a corporate portfolio on ethics and has asked all departments to contribute information on how to write policy statements that reflect a code of ethics. The director of IT has asked for you to provide an example of a policy statement that reflects the work you do in IT administration.
Research the cultural and global political considerations for the use of a sharing service as presented in the lab and the data that could be hosted and made available via the Internet. Reflect on the idea that some issues, such as keeping data unalterable, could transcend cultures, while other IT choices could depend on your cultural perspective.
Consider the following:
How cultural perspective could impact the security decisions of an administrator setting up SharePoint® Server 2013, citing choices that were made in the labs
Global political issues, such as corruption, human rights, and rights to privacy, in the U.S. and Key Nations, based on your readings and discussions this week
Write a 1- to 2-page example of a policy statement using Microsoft® Word. Complete the following in your document:
A brief description of the types of data that are hosted and made available via the Internet using SharePoint® Server 2013. Include at least 2 types.
At least 2 cultural or global political considerations for sharing services (e.g., privacy rights)
Your opinion regarding any IT choices that seem to transcend culture
At least 1 example of choices you have when administering SharePoint® Server 2013 that could depend on your ethical stance
A brief policy statement for configuring SharePoint® Server 2013 that aligns with your ethical stance on data integrity (e.g., “The organization will seek to protect confidential and proprietary information when configuring SharePoint® Server 2013.”)
Cite any references to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
Here are some additional links to help get started. I encourage you to look at others as well.
This CIO article on shared services is a bit dated but has some great points that might be useful.
This Microsoft page has links to articles on SharePoint Administration.