TASK: Find a relevant research question associated to the dataset. The statisti


By Robert C.

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Find a relevant research question associated to the dataset. The statistical analysis will help
you to find answers to that question. Submit a written report intended for a professional
audience. Your report should contain :
• Abstract – summarise objective, contents of the study and conclusions
• Introduction and Literature review – present a relevant financial question and its
motivation/justification based on relevant references presented as a literature review.
• Methodology – describe the methods and procedures used for this project
• Data description – describe statistically the variables
• Analysis and Findings – analyse the structure of the data set taking into account the
previous data description and the regression results.
• Conclusions and Recommendations – Using the main results, conclude and analyse
different ideas to improve the estimation.
• References
There is maximum word limit of 2000 words. Details of calculations or intermediate results
should be supplied in the appendices at the end of your report (Appendix is not included in
the word count).