The assignment is to write a research paper on a comparative aspect of two count


By Robert C.

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The assignment is to write a research paper on a comparative aspect of two countries’ economic systems. I already have a topic area, research question, and thesis that I need to stick to. 
Topic area: The success of Scandinavian countries in achieving high scores in measures of prosperity such as the HDI despite relying on policies of high taxation and welfare spending that failed in other countries.
Research question: How is it that Scandinavian countries achieve high levels of prosperity under conditions of high taxation and governmental involvement in industries, when countries such as the UK suffered under similar policies?
Thesis: The high levels of taxation and welfare spending in the Nordic countries has, in fact, limited the growth of their economies, however, the negative effects of these policies are mitigated by country-specific factors such as high social cohesion, historical prosperity prior to the implementation of these policies, and a smaller population, meaning that the Nordic countries are able to achieve levels of prosperity under these policies that would not be possible in other states.
Write an economic research paper that fits these criteria. It should include an introduction, which includes the thesis statement, then the paper sould have a 4-6 page literature review on research on the topic, and then another several pages of analysis with sources to back up my thesis and compare the Scandinavian countries to the UK (comparing it to the UK is v important, it must appear in my analysis).