The following assignment has THREE parts Health,  Safety,  and Nutrition.  Pleas


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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The following assignment has THREE parts Health,  Safety,  and Nutrition.  Please address each of the
following parts
Part One: “Health”
You are a School Director for a Head Start
progrm. You are tasked with increasing parent’s 
awareness about Health.
Create 2 Parent events to promote good health
& wellness or supportive health care for children with special needs.
Part Two: “Safety”
You are an Education Coach and one of your 
teacher’s growth area is safety. The teacher is 
struggling with keeping children safe. There has 
been reports of a child being scratched by a peer and left unsupervised during outdoor play.
As the Education Coach create a coaching plan 
for this teacher:
(1).How will you explain the importance of active 
supervision to the teacher?
(2).What strategies will you offer the teacher
(3).Provide resources or videos to the teacher
Part Three: ” Nutrition ”
Create a menu for Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack for young children in your Early Childhood program. 
You should have THREE menus: 
1 breakfast menu, 1 lunch menu, 1 snack menu.
Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Early Childhood 
Jennifer Paris