The paper is about the case of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian activist conv

American history

By Robert C.

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The paper is about the case of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian activist convicted in the 1970s for the murder of two FBI agents. Depending on who you listen to, you get very different versions of the story. The FBI tells Peltier is a rightfully convicted vicious murderer. The American Indian Movement tells he was framed by the FBI for political reasons.
Six pages or more double spaced.
You need to research this case looking at the FBI’s side of the story as well as at Peltier’s side of the story. In addition to reconstructing the main points of the case, you should address:
-The political context on the Pine Ridge Reservation at the time of the shooting
-Trial I (Butler and Robideau)
-Trial II (Peltier)
The bid for Clinton’s clemency in 2000
-Your opinion on the case based on the evidence
-Bibliography (a minimum of two sources, at least one for each side, and at least one of your sources needs to be a printed article or a book)
You can find your own sources but some that may be helpful are the documentary
“Incident at Oglala”, the book “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse” by P. Matthiessen, the fbi website and the website of an association called no parole for peltier.