The poster presentation is an individual assignment requiring the student to ana

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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The poster presentation is an individual assignment requiring the student to analyse a healthcare scenario through the lens of leadership theories.
Take a current or past situation from your work context which you find intriguing or perplexing. This could be because something went wrong inexplicably. Or perhaps things went well unexpectedly. Use some ideas from leadership thinking to explain and interpret what was going on.
Use this poster template to structure the presentation on a single PowerPoint slide.
Students should pre-record a 10-minute (maximum) presentation to accompany the poster.
I want to write about COVID-19 and what went and how to mange it. its a poaster( one slide) presentation and I need to record 10 minutes presentation which is around 1000 word and record it with it.