The values of efficiency, equity and voice are among the most important values i


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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The values of efficiency, equity and voice are among the most important values in the labor/management relationship. Please search the Kean library for a recent news article (within 5 years) regarding collective bargaining between a labor union and a business organization. Considering your article, and what you’ve learned about the unionized workplace and collective bargaining, answer the following questions: 1. Do you believe that efficiency is promoted in labor management relations? Why or why not? Give an example of your position. 
2. Do you believe that equity is promoted in labor management relations? Why or why not? Give an example of your position. 
3. Do you believe that labor management relations gives employees a voice they would not otherwise have? Give an example of your position. 
4. As an employee, given what you’ve learned about unions from the course materials, and your research, would you want to work in a unionized workplace? Why or why not? Would you want to manage a unionized workforce? Why or why not? Note: This question is asking for you to go beyond your personal opinion to use your new knowledge of unions and labor relations to support your views. 
Be aware that while you are only required to locate one article to use in this assignment, it is possible that you will not have enough information to answer all of the questions with just the information from one article. If that is the case, you may find it helpful to read a few articles on the same labor union and business organization, which will offer multiple perspectives for you to explore in your submission. 
Write your answers to the above questions in a comprehensive essay, double-spaced in Word file, and upload to Canvas. Your answer to each question should be between 200-250 words (not counting the questions) and your submission should be 1,000 words total. Make sure to include a citation to your news article and any other resources you use to complete this assignment. Cite any sources that you use in APA style.

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