This assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to dive into the topic of


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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This assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to dive into the topic of student engagement and interactivity by designing a presentation for a conference on the topic.
For this assignment, you will create a presentation using PowerPoint, Sway, or Spark (equal to 6-8 slides) and post it as an initial thread in this discussion forum. You will then review each of your classmates’ presentations and reply to at least two. Please cite any resources you reference using the current APA style.
Initial Thread Prompt: You have been chosen to make a presentation at a major online learning conference, in the student engagement track. Develop your presentation using research regarding the importance of interactivity for student engagement, and identify instructional techniques to convey performance objectives to online learners and promote connections and a learning community. Feel free to be creative in your approach; consider the use of charts, or other media in your presentation of information.
Your presentation should be well organized and arranged logically so that it flows smoothly with a strong progression of thought. Be sure your presentation tool fits the purpose of this assignment, and that your design choice is engaging and congruent. Your presentation should demonstrate a sophisticated understanding and critical analysis while drawing original and thoughtful conclusions.