This assignment will be an analysis what you (or your created client) have in pl


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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This assignment will be an analysis what you (or your created client) have in place today, how that protects their interests and what might they need to do.
Specifically, for this week assignment:
Identify the client’s estate planning goals including bequests to spouse, family, charity, guardianships, etc.
Identify the client’s feelings about avoiding probate, do they care or not?
Identify the client’s health care goals and financial directive goals. How do they want these handled if they are unable to do so themselves.
Identify the estate planning documents they have in place today.
How do these documents help them achieve their goals?
Though not required at this time, it might be a good idea to list the estate planning documents they will need to achieve their goals including how they may need to revise what they already have in place.