This document describes how the Native Americans were treated after the war.  He

American history

By Robert C.

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This document describes how the Native Americans were treated after the war. 
He doesn’t support the treatment of the Native Americans.
In Document A, it says “in what favor he stood with the tyrant they called Governor…”
He feels remorse towards the Native Americans
The Middle passage was a route for trading slaves 
The number mean how many people were crossing
Around 300,000 to 6 milion slaves would be transported in the span of 1701-1810
Spain had majority of their colonies in South America
The Portugal Colonies are mostly in the Philippines as well as South America. 
This document was read by the Spanish missionaries to the Native Americans. 
If they don’t believe in God and don’t show their respect towards God, they will overthrow the Native Americans and start a war against them.
In Document D it tells “I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter into your country, and shall make war against you in all ways and manners that we  can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of their highnesses”.
The photo depicts the early stages of African American slave trade.
The armed man show a level of control, as well as highlight the violent and dehumanizing nature of the slave trade.
The land can be used for colonists to farm, trade, and own land. 
Where they return and carry on trading with other people in different islands. 
The social classes of the Spanish colonies all depend on their family lineage.
The photo above shows that 95% of the population is slaves, the high class is the other 5%.
The map shows Columbian Exchange was the exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa following Christopher Columbus’s voyages in 1492, resulting in profound cultural, ecological, and economic impacts on both hemispheres. 
Christopher Columbus’s first encounter with indigenous people in the Americas, highlighting their physical appearance and lack of knowledge of European weapons. Columbus perceives them as vulnerable and believes he could easily conquer and govern them.
What major SOCIAL and ECONOMIC changes did European expansion  bring to peoples around the world