This paper will combine state-level current policy and class material  This is c


By Robert C.

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This paper will combine state-level current policy and class material 
This is called the “Dear Governor letter” where you address a governor in a state that
you have lived in concerning a policy or law that has either recently passed (in the
last 5 years) or a proposition to state legislature 
The paper will address how the law you choose impacts a certain population (along
race, class, gender, & sexuality lines)
The state is Arkansas. 
You are constructing a persuasive essay on being for or against the policy. Students must
use sociologically peer-reviewed sources to supplement your argument.
The paper should be in correct APA, 12-point font, times new roman, double space, 1-
inch margins. 
This paper also asks for the use of at least 8 sources (4 from class, another 4 from
outside peer-reviewed scholarly articles. I have attatched sources from class and also the rubric. 
4 of the sources used need to be from the attatched articles I added from class
The other 4 need to be from outside peer-reviewed scholarly articles.